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Magic Graffi's speed of light adventure to Africa

Writer's picture: Serge CantsperSerge Cantsper

Updated: Jul 20, 2024

Graffi in Africa

And the need for a Baobab booze-up!

Hi there. It’s good to be with you again and if you’re up-to-date with my blogs, you’ll know that earlier this week I

met, for the first time ever, Zouma the African leopard, who is the companion of Serge's godfather, Pâquis. (Since discovering her as an abandoned cub, he has travelled widely with, and protected her.) If so, you’ll know too that later on that same day, Serge learnt that he and I had been invited by the two of them to fly to Africa the following week. The idea being for us to spend some time living with them out in the bush - in the wild that is. (If you don’t know about the two of them yet, you can have a quick catch-up here:


Of course, you’ll remember from my books that I’m a very organized cat. (You have to be of course when you know that magic can happen around you anywhere, and at any moment.) So, early the following morning, using a MagiCom on the IRIS platform*, I contacted my energy cat friend, Marmalade. This was to ask her if we could meet as soon as possible to discuss the trip to Africa. (*If you don’t already know about IRIS, look at the Book 2 overview here, which explains everything nice and simply.)


Knowing that Marmalade is a travel professional – I'm sure that you'll remember from an earlier blog that she’s an intergalactic expert on light, colours and energy – the reason for me contacting her was, evidently, for travel advice. And sure enough, before long, I received a Magicom reply from her, saying, ‘Hi Graffi, I’ll pop over later today.’


So, feeling excited about what she might have to tell me, I went outside and, just as I'd hopped up onto the garden wall to enjoy a relaxing snooze before her arrival, I heard a loud ‘pop’ to my left, and, due to the sudden shock of it, I almost fell backwards into the flower bed below. Why? Because, it was only a few seconds after I’d received her Magicom, that Marmalade was sitting right next to me, with a big smile on her face!


Looking at her in astonishment, I said, ‘How did you do that, Marmalade, as I never even heard you arriving?’

Laughing, she replied, ‘I’ve got a really BIG travel surprise for you Graffi. In just a moment, we’re going to go to Africa together.

‘What, right now?’ I asked, ‘Like today?’ I added, feeling a bit befuddled.

Nodding her head, Marmalade said, 'It'll only be a short visit, but I want you to feel comfortable, that before you arrive there next week by aeroplane with Serge,  you have an idea of what Africa’s like. ’

Not giving me a chance to utter another word, she continued: ‘So, hold onto my paw, Graffi, and don't be surprised that it’ll heat up quickly. Then, shut your eyes, and get into EPIC, (Energy Powered Intense Concentration) mode immediately. As usual when there's magic about, your tail will tingle and become a sparkly, starry blue, and after this, just stay with me and we’ll be in Africa together almost instantaneously.’

Well, after doing exactly what I was told, and concentrating as intensely as I could manage, everything happened so quickly that I can’t even explain it to you. One moment I could feel the warmth of the red bricks of our wall at home under my paws, and the next, it was the hot, red soil of Africa, this as we each landed with a pop, creating two small puffs of rusty red dust as we did so.

And, in between these two events, there was nothing whatsoever that I sensed or saw. ‘Am I dreaming, Marmalade?’ I asked, feeling all fluffy and disoriented. ‘Everything - all the sounds, smells and sights - are so different here.’

‘Of course, Graffi,’ she replied. This is East Africa, and, as you can see and feel, it’s a whole new world, which is why I wanted to bring you here before your arrival next week. Just listen to the beat of the music and look at the joyful jesticulations of the singers. Also, take in all the bright clothing and the amazing smells and colours of the food, of the herbs and of the spices at the market, just over there,' she said, looking out over to our left. And she was quite right. Unusual sounds, smells and new noises were indeed everywhere. It was all quite scintelating and really special, and it gave me a variety of tingly vibrations.

'And look too at that giant Baobab tree towering above the other trees,' she continued, pointing a paw at a ginormous tree that looked as if it had been planted upside down, with its roots sticking high up in the air. 'Never forget that its trunk is full of water. So, if ever you're thirsty, all you have to do is to go to the trunk, scratch off some bark, and drink the delicious, pure tangy water that's underneath it.' Well, I can tell you that transforming myself into an energy cat, and then travelling cosmic distances at what seemed to be the speed of lightning, was really rather an exhausting occupation, so straight away, I bounded enthusiastically over to the tree and gave its trunk a serious scratching. In part, this was to sharpen my claws, but also because suddenly I realised that I was longing for the taste of a fresh natural drink. A baobab booze-up you could call it.

However, just as I was about to lick up some of the water droplets which had started to dance and chase each other down the ribbed, pinkish-grey bark, there was a loud 'Go-way!' squawk from up above me. This made me tense, but, roaring with laughter as she heard it, Marmalade shot up the tree after the culprit, to shoo it away. 'It's a type of lourie bird that lives in trees all across East Africa,' she said from way up above me. 'They're known as go-away birds, and they're real pests, especially when one - meaning, like one of us - is hunting, or trying to creep up unnoticed on someone, or something. So, make sure you don't forget this, otherwise you might find yourself in a seriously tricky situation in no time at all, just because of one of them.'


Still puzzled by our extraordinary journey and all the new sights and sounds around me, I turned to Marmalade after my yummy drink and said. ‘It's really strange, but I can’t recall anything at all about how we got here.’

‘That’s because we’ve travelled at almost the speed of light. And, to give you an idea of what that means, at this speed one can circle our earth 7.5 times in just one second.’

‘W-o-w,’ I said very slowly, not at all sure of what to say, or think even. ‘Did we really do that?’

‘Yes, absolutely,' she replied. 'So now you're officially a rare creature . . . a cosmic cat, like me!' (Strictly between us - you the reader, and me - I feel that being a 'cosmic cat' sounds rather cool. But, I'll leave that for you to decide, before I order myself a 'Magic Graffi, cosmic cat' T-shirt. Think of the potential for a great image, not to mention the possibilities for planetary partnerships and possible promotions!)

After lots of chitter cattering between us about all sorts of fun and fascinating things, we noticed that behind the baobab, the sun had started to set, so off we wandered together, out into the bush. Along the way, Marmalade gave me some helpfull hints about what I should, and should not do, to ensure that I could look after myself properly out here in the African wild. Perhaps the two most important things she told me were: 'Transform yourself into an energy cat as soon as you scent, or feel, any serious danger around you, especially at night. And also, if ever you want to scare away anything or anyone at night, be sure to make your eyes shine extremely brightly using your energy, like you did when we were looking for Tina Turnip. You'll be amazed by the effect that it'll have!'

And then she added, 'Graffi, one last thing  . . . I know that this may sound stupid to you, but please, make sure that you never, ever travel anywhere - and I mean, anywhere - with, or around humans, when you are invisible. It doesn't matter whether you're waiting for / or in, a bus, a boat, a train, or an aeroplane. If you do so when you're invisible - and almost certainly when you're visible too - there's no doubt whatsoever that, even if it is only by accident, you'll get kicked, troddden on, tripped over, or even sat on by a human. And, whatever it is that happens, it is likely to be extremely unpleasant, and probably painful as well. Humans are dreadfully careless and dumb about doing these things, and often they don't even notice that they've hit you, or hurt you! So, make sure that Serge keeps with him at all times on your trip, the special cat harness and backpack that he has for you, and do not hesitate in using it / them!'

And, as the light slowly faded and the colours of the evening sky glowed gorgeously, the bush gradually began to come to life. And as it did so, Marmalade, who with her colouring was now almost invisible against the stunning orangey colours, began to identifying for me many different sounds: those of lions grunting and roaring; of a leopard coughing; of wild dogs giggling and hyenas laughing; not to mention the sharp noise of a branch snapping, just near where we were sitting, which made our fur stand on end. 'That's a warthog who's made a mistake, by accidently standing on a branch,' she said, having a good shake. 'He'll be someone's supper tonight if he continues to make stupid noises like that.' That sounds really rather nasty, I thought with a shiver.

Then, after we'd moved on and were standing near the edge of a large, rugged rock that had a wonderful, panoramic view of the sky above us, and the plain below, my friend stopped and said: 'It's time to leave now, Graffi, so that we're back home before the sun sets there. Are you ready now?' she asked, gently.

'Just a quick moment,' I replied. 'I want to take one last, deep breath to help me take all of this in before we leave.' And after doing this very slowly, feeling the evening energy circulating within me as I did so, I reached over and took hold of Marmalade's paw. Instantaneously, there was a double pop, and before we knew it, we were once again sitting on the warm, garden wall at home, just in time to watch the sun slip silently down below the horizon.

And finally, only a moment before she left me, Marmalade said, 'Graffi, as you've become a cosmic cat, from now onwards you'll be able to travel at the speed of light all by yourself - so, between here and Africa for example. Therefore, I expect a visit from you soon after you've settled in out there, as I want to hear about your exploits, and what you think about Africa.' And . . . before I had a chance to open my mouth, to say goodbye and thank you, there was a pop, and she was gone.

What an amazing, African adventure the two of us had had, and what a happy holiday I had to look forward to, next week. And, remembering that Serge was brought up in Africa, I was all twitchy-excited now, as I knew for sure that we were going to do lots of fun and interesting things together. So, see you again soon for the next blog, about my first ever flight to Africa.

Your friend,



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