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Writer's picture: Serge CantsperSerge Cantsper

Updated: Oct 23, 2024

Hello and welcome to my Halloween blog.


As you will see in one of my recent blogs, some while ago I visited East Africa for a day with my cosmic cat friend, Marmalade . . .


And so, because the journey there and back was at the speed of light, I technically became a cosmic cat, meaning that from that moment onwards, I was able to fly anywhere, alone and at the speed of light. What's more, you'll discover in the blog which follows the one mentioned above, that it was not long afterwards that I flew back to East Africa, this time in an aeroplane. And Serge and I have been living here for quiite a while now, having a really fun time.


One morning, while I was dozing peacefully, outside under the early morning sun, I was woken up by the sound of someone shouting that it was Halloween that very day. This made me jump up, all excited, so much so that I decided to fly home and surprise my neighbour, Samson. My whole idea was to give him a huge surprise and and then share some spooky fun with him.  In doing so, what made me laugh was that in reality, this trip back home made me an instant flying fantom. Just the thing for Halloween, don't you think?

However, what I hadn't thought about at all was the weather. And so, instead of arriving home in no time at all on a lovely warm evening, as it was the moment I left Africa, I found myself only a second later, shivering outside in our village, on a really chilly Halloween evening. BRRRR.


Despite this, the streets were already filled with masses of noisy kids wearing all sorts of scary costumes, which ranged not only from wicked witches and petrifying pirates, but also from scarey skeletons to spooky spiders.


Upon arrival and feeling all shivery, I scooted down our lane to surprise Samson in his garden. And once he'd got over the shock, we shared a happy hello hug, after which, we sat down on his lawn to put together a plan for us to become part of the Halloween fun. As we chatted, I suggested to him that our plan HAD to include pumpkins, explaining that just before I’d got to his house, I’d spotted a cart full of hollowed out pumpkins, which had a sign on it saying, ‘Help yourself’. I told him that this had given me the idea of using a little magic to turn these pumpkins into perfect cat costumes.


Having thought this over for a moment, quickly he became thrilled with the suggestion, and so off we scampered, back to the cart, to have a good look to see what we could find that would be both fun, and also frightening. As you may remember, Samson is an enormous urban cat, with a heart as big as his paws, and it made me laugh when I saw him peering at a gigantic, round, orange pumpkin. It was so big that I was not sure if he’d fit into it, but, in no time at all, he lifted its top off and, after some serious wiggling, and a good wag of his tail, he managed to squeeze himself inside.


After this, I put its top back on his head and I have to say that Samson looked like the world’s fluffiest ever, one-eyed pumpkin. His whiskers, that were sticking out of the vegetable’s cut-out mouth, were soon twitching with excitement, while his four large paws were excercising while sticking out from the large holes underneath.

As for me, I's spotted an unusually, long, green-striped pumpkin which had yellowish streaks on it. This was shaped like a giant cucumber with a fat end, and from the way I looked at it, I was certain that it would suit me especially well, what with me being the sleek, green-eyed, magic cat that I am. However, as it turned out, it was incredibly difficult for me to force myself backwards into it, and in the end I needed Samson’s help to get inside. This required him to pull me into it by my tail. Not comfortable at all I can tell you, but it the end it did the job!

‘Ready for some tricks, Samson?’ I muffled, purring loudly from just inside my pumpkin skin, while at the time his tail was thumping like a drum inside his orange pumpkin, which made it wobble like a jelly. ‘I’m ready’ he said. ‘But are you sure this is going to work? I mean, we’re partial pumpkins now!’

‘Trust me,’ I replied. ‘The kids are going to scream with surprise when they see us, and before long they’ll be laughing until their tummies hurt!’ And with that, my tail kinked, making our two pumpkins rise up and hover slightly above the ground. Floating pumpkins with cats inside? Now that was a hairy Halloween surprise for the children.

And as the trick-or-treaters passed by, I used my magic to make the pumpkins roll and float toward another group of kids who were dressed as zombies. And, just as we reached a particularly dark part of the street, my tail kinked again, and suddenly our two pumpkins sprouted bright, glowing eyes and wiskery faces.

‘WoooooHOOOoo!’, I mewed in my best ghostly voice, and with this the kids in front of me froze, their bags of boiled sweets rattling in their trembling hands.

‘Did one of those pumpkins just TALK?’, one of them squeaked to his friends. And, before any of them could figure it out, Samson joined in the pumpkin fun and let out a really gruff growl. “GRRRRR. Watch out, I’m a scary pumpkin pest,’ he added. With this, the kids let out squeals of terror and delight, running around in circles before bursting into fits laughter. It was hilarious to watch them as the began to realize that something especially silly was afoot.

‘True talking pumpkins? This is the best Halloween ever,’ said one. And feeling lifted by the laughter – I’d in fact lifted him up off the ground with my magic as a surprise – another brave kid in a vampire costume approached and hesitantly tapped Samson’s pumpkin. ‘Is there a dog in there?’ he asked. Samson wiggled his tail and meowed loudly, which made his pumpkin jiggle and Samson giggle loudly. With this, the kid gasped and then doubled over with laughter. “I knew it! A magic pumpkin, but perhaps I should call it a catkin,’ he continued. This made us all cackle with laughter, which frightened the child and his friends even more.

Seeing how much fun everyone was having, I decided to up the ante and, with a twitch of my whiskers, the pumpkins started to dance — spinning, hopping, and bouncing sideways and down the street, while shooting off sparkly colours. With this, the kids followed, giggling and cheering as the magical pumpkins led them on a merry chase through the village.

By the end of the night, both of Samson and I had played tricks on dozens of kids, each prank being more fun and even funnier than the last. At one point, I turned a handful of striped candy sticks into spirals, which became colourful confetti. And near the end of the night , I used my magic to make some of the pumpkins on the cart burst into fountains of stringy, but harmless glitter, like one often sees on a Christmas tree. All in all, much of the neighbourhood was filled with laughter and excitement, even more so as we amused ourselves by making spooky sounds that came out from nowhere near where we were standing.

Finally, as the moon rose high in the sky, I manoeuvred our pumpkins so that they floated back down behind the pumpkin cart. Then, struggling to get out of my green, striped pumpkin, and purring with satisfaction once I had, I said to Samson, ‘Mission accomplished! That really was the best Halloween ever, don’t you think?’.

And Samson, still half-stuck in his giant orange pumpkin, wagged his tail and replied. 'Yes, very definitely the best Halloween ever.'

And with that, we went back to Samson’s house where Delilah, after being really shocked by how orange we both looked – this was because the pumpkin juice that had soaked into our fur – handed us each a bowl of scrummy cream, which helped get us to recover from the exhausting magical mischief that we'd both enjoyed.

And so, on that special Halloween night, Samson and I proved that sometimes the best tricks are the ones filled with laughter, friendship, and, of course, with a bit of Graffi magic. 🎃✨

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